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Lunch Menus

Photo of child carrying lunch tray in cafeteria

Click on the links below to see the menus, carb counts and allergens for your child's school:

Nutrislice Menus

Welcome to OrganicLife Nutrislice menus.  Check out the short video below on how to use the Nutrislice menus:


Middle School/High School Supper Program

  • High School: 2:25 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
  • Middle School: 2:15 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.

Middle School/High School free supper program in conjunction with CEP breakfast and lunch program is available to students who are staying after school and are enrolled in after-school enrichment activities. Meals must be eaten onsite at the student's respective schools.

El programa de Cena Gratuita de la Escuela Secundaria y Preparatoria en conjunto con el programa de Desayuno y Almuerzo del CEP está disponible para los estudiantes que se quedan después de la escuela y están inscritos en actividades de enriquecimiento extracurricular. Las comidas deben ser consumidas en la escuela respectiva de los estudiantes.

 january Supper Menu

School Breakfast and Lunch Meal Pricing

Round Lake Area School District #116 students are eligible for a free breakfast and free lunch per day under the Community Eligibility Program or CEP.  Although students are eligible for a free breakfast and free lunch per day, students may be interested in a second meal or an extra piece of fruit. The cost for a second meal or extra piece of fruit is listed below.

  • Second meal at all levels is $3.00
  • Extra piece of fruit at all levels is $0.75

Community Eligibility Program

2025 CEP Letter (English)
2025 CEP Letter (Spanish)

Welcome to Food Service! 

Round Lake School District 116 partners with Organic Life to provide breakfast and lunch meal service. We are excited to be entering our second year working with Organic Life to offer a variety of healthy and delicious options to our students and staff.

The District participates in the Illinois State Board of Education's Community Eligibility Provision meal program. The CEP program provides a healthy breakfast and lunch each school day at no charge for all students enrolled during the school year. The lunch meal will include meat/meat alternate, grain, fruit, veggie, and milk. This program does not include second meals and a la carte items, however, these are available for an additional cost.

Monthly menus and a la carte middle and high school price lists can be viewed and printed via the link you find on this page!

If you have any questions about your child's experience with Organic Life, please contact your school office or Melissa Bunge. 

Email Melissa