Medication Policy
Administration of Medication to Students
Students should not take medication during school hours or during school-related activities unless it is necessary for a student’s health and well-being. When a student’s licensed health care provider and parent/guardian believe that it is necessary for the student to take a medication during school hours or school-related activities, the parent/guardian must request that the school dispense the medication to the child and otherwise follow the District’s procedures on dispensing medication.
No School District employee shall administer to any student, or supervise a student’s self-administration of, any prescription or non-prescription medication until a completed and signed “School Medication Authorization Form” is submitted by the student’s parent/guardian. No student shall possess or consume any prescription or non-prescription medication on school grounds or at a school-related function other than as provided for in this policy and its implementing procedures.
Nothing in this policy shall prohibit any school employee from providing emergency assistance to students, including administering medication.
Parent/Guardian(s) have the primary responsibility for administering medication to their children. Administering prescription or over-the-counter medication, including products such as aspirin, Pepto Bismol, and cough drops during school hours or during school-related activities, is discouraged unless it is necessary for the critical health and well being of the student. A physician’s order must be obtained for all prescriptions and non-prescription medications. The Parent/Guardian must sign this order.
Self Administration of Medication
A student may possess an epinephrine auto-injector (EpiPen®) and/or asthma medication prescribed for use at the student’s discretion, provided the student’s parent/guardian has completed and signed a School Medication Authorization Form. The form must include a written statement from the licensed prescriber outlining: name and purpose of medication, prescribed dose, and time or specific circumstances under which the medication is to be administered. The school health services staff provides assessment of a student’s ability to safely self-administer the medication. If at any time self-administration of these medications is deemed unsafe, the medication will be kept in the Health Office and the parent/guardian will be notified. If medication is found in the student’s possession without authorization, it will be brought to the Health Office.
School District Supply of Emergency Medications in Health Offices
Certain medications for emergency use, such as epinephrine auto-injectors (EpiPen®) to treat anaphylaxis, and opioid antagonist (Narcan) to treat opioid overdoses, or similar medications, may be administered by a school nurse, or by a trained individual where law allows, to students who present with symptoms regardless of whether a physician’s order exists, as the condition may be undiagnosed.
Because stock emergency medication may not be available during school activities that take place outside of school hours, the school district cannot make any commitment to families regarding the availability of stock emergency medication outside of school hours. The carrying of a personal, prescribed emergency medication as described above is encouraged for students who are trained in self-administration and participate in such programs.
Medication Authorization Form (English)
This form must be completed and submitted to the school nurse prior to dispensing medication.