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Chronic Health Conditions

Allergies & Anaphylaxis

Food Allergy Management Program
School attendance may increase a student's risk of exposure to allergens that could trigger a food-allergic reaction. A food allergy is an adverse reaction to a food protein mediated by the immune system which immediately reacts causing the release of histamine and other inflammatory chemicals and mediators. While it is not possible for the District to completely eliminate the risks of exposure to allergens when a student is at school, a Food Allergy Management Program using a cooperative effort among students' families, staff members, and students helps the District reduce these risks and provide accommodations and proper treatment for allergic reactions.

Self-Administration of Epinephrine Auto-Injector or Insulin

1. Some students may need to carry their emergency medication on their person and use it on an "as-needed" basis. These situations require a licensed prescriber's order and parental/guardian permission as indicated on the appropriate Medication Authorization Form.
2. The registered nurse will complete a self-administration of medication assessment. If the student does not show responsibility with the medication, the parent/guardian and licensed prescriber will be notified. The student will be further educated about the proper reason and proper use of the medication.
3. A student agreement to carry the specific medication will be signed indicating understanding of the medication and proper use; that the medication will not be shared; that they will notify a responsible adult if there is no marked improvement after the prescribed dose is given; and in the event of epinephrine use, they must notify a responsible adult so that 911 can be called.
4. The permission allows the student to possess and use his or her medication while in school, while at a school-sponsored activity, while under the supervision of school personnel, or before or after school activities, such as while in before-school or after-school care on school-operated property.
Disposal: The parent/guardian will be responsible, at the end of the treatment regime, for removing from the school any unused, discontinued or outdated medication which was prescribed for their child.

Emergency Epinephrine Act
On rare occasions, students experience allergic reactions at school that result in anaphylaxis (a life-threatening allergic reaction), Illinois law allows certain school personnel to administer EpiPens® to students when, in the staff member’s professional opinion, it is appropriate. In these situations, the District will inform parents as soon as practicable. When EpiPens® are administered at school, Illinois law provides that District personnel, including members of the Board of Education, are strictly immune from liability, except for willful and wanton conduct.


Asthma Update Form
Asthma Update (English)
Asthma Update (Spanish)

Asthma and Allergies
We need your cooperation to maintain a learning environment that is friendly to all students. This may include, but is not limited to:
1. Minimizing the use of strong-smelling hygiene products, especially in the middle and high school grades (perfumes, colognes, deodorants and lotions may trigger asthma symptoms or headaches in susceptible persons);
2. Keeping pets (except for service animals or for special circumstances with principal approval) and air fresheners out of classrooms to minimize asthma triggers;
3. Refraining from sending peanut-based products as a lunch or snack item, particularly at the pre-school and early elementary level;
4. Utilizing alternatives to latex (natural rubber) based products in your school supplies, such as erasers or balloons, if latex allergic students are present in your child's class.


The Care of Students with Diabetes Act (P.A. 96-1485)

The District complies with the Act which establishes a process for ensuring that students diagnosed with diabetes receive care in school. District staff works collaboratively with students, their parents/guardians and staff members to ensure that students with diabetes are offered reasonable accommodations and/or services.

Diabetes Medical Management Plan
