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Early Entrance & Accelerated Placement
Mastery Learning
Special Education
Preschool Age Special Education
Elementary Special Education
Secondary Special Education
Round Lake Transition Center
(opens in new window/tab)
Standards Based Grading
Student Services
Business Office
Prior Bid Documents RFP
Collective Bargaining Agreement 2021-2025
Community Eligibility Program CEP
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Financial Reporting
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Freedom of Information Act FOIA
Social Media Responsible Use Policy
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Guest Teacher
Student Teacher Observer Intern Placement
Multilingual Education Department
Our Programs
Dual Language
Entrance and Exit Criteria
Transitional Bilingual Education
Transitional Program of Instruction
ACCESS Testing
Home Language Surveys
(opens in new window/tab)
Language Screening
Qualifying for Services
Parent Resources
(opens in new window/tab)
Seal of Biliteracy
(opens in new window/tab)
2017 Lead Testing Data
Professional Learning
Mission Statement
PD Day Information
Badge Program and Witsby
New Teacher Induction
Front Door (Onboarding)
Foyer (First Week Resources)
Handbook for Mentors
Down the Hall - New Teacher Resources
Mentor Library
Professional Development for Teachers
PD Strategy Hub
Activating Knowledge
Discussing Concepts
Summarizing New Information
Processing and Synthesizing Information
Applying Learning
Performance Matters Resources
Conference Guidelines
1 to Wonder Program
Superintendent's Office
Org Chart
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District Information
Collective Bargaining Agreement
District News
The Golden Apple
Emergency Closings
District Library
Collection Development Procedure
College and Career Center
Ebooks & Audiobooks
High School Contests & Programs
High School Counseling Department
High School Testing Center
High School Tutoring Center
Test Prep & Other Online Resources
Staff Equity Library
Student Tech Help
Lunch Menus
Non-Discrimination Policy
Partner Schools
School Calendar
School Hours
School Supplies
Student Handbook
CHAPTER 1: Introductory Information and General Notices
1.00 - School Operations During a Pandemic or Other Health Emergency
1.20 - Student Handbook Acknowledgement
1.30 - General Information
1.40 - Visitors
1.50 - Equal Educational Opportunities and Sex Equity
1.60 - Animals on School Property
1.70 - School Volunteers
1.80 - Invitations and Gifts [PK-8]
1.85 - Treats and Snacks [PK-8]
1.90 - Emergency School Closings
1.100 - Video and Audio Monitoring System
1.110 - Accommodating Individuals with Disabilities
1.120 - Students with Food Allergies
1.130 - Care of Students with Diabetes
1.140 - Suicide and Depression Awareness and Prevention
1.150 - Accommodating Breastfeeding Students
1.170 - Student Appearance
1.180 - Awareness and Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse, Grooming Behaviors, and Boundary Violations
1.185 - Faith's Law Notifications
1.190 - Prevention of Anaphylaxis
1.200 - Sexual Abuse Response and Prevention Resource Guide
CHAPTER 2: Attendance, Promotion, and Graduation
2.10 - Attendance
2.20 - Student Absences
2.30 - Release Time for Religious Instruction and Observation
2.40 - Make-Up Work
2.50 - Truancy
2.60 - Grading and Promotion
2.70 - Homework
2.80 - Exemption from PE Requirements
2.90 - Credit for Proficiency, Non-District Experiences, Course Substitutions, and AP
2.100 - Home and Hospital Instruction
2.110 - Early Graduation [HS]
2.120 - Graduation Requirements [HS]
2.130 Complaints About Curriculum, Instructional Materials, and Programs
CHAPTER 3: Student Fees and Meal Costs
3.10 - Fees, Fines, and Charges - Waiver of Student Fees
3.20 - School Lunch Program
CHAPTER 4: Transportation and Parking
4.10 - Bus Transportation
4.15 - Bus Conduct
4.20 - Parking [Visitor and Student]
4.21 - Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up
CHAPTER 5: Health and Safety
5.10 - Immunization, Health, Eye, and Dental Examinations
5.15 - Screenings
5.20 - Student Medication
5.30 - Guidance and Counseling
5.40 - Safety Drill Procedures
5.50 - Communicable Disease
5.60 - Head Lice
5.70 - Emergency Treatment
5.80 - Chronic Health Conditions
5.90 - Concussions
CHAPTER 6: Discipline and Conduct
6.10 - General Building Conduct
6.20 - School Dress Code
6.30 - Student Behavior
6.35 - Suspension Procedures
6.37 - Expulsion Procedures
6.40 - Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment
6.42 - Discrimination and Harassment on the Basis of Race, Color, and National Origin Prohibited
6.45 Sexual Harassment and Teen Dating Violence Prohibited
6.50 - Cafeteria Rules
6.60 - Field Trips
6.70 - Access to Student Social Networking, Passwords, and Websites
6.80 - Student Use of Electronic Devices (Including Cell Phones)
CHAPTER 7: Internet, Technology, and Publications
7.10 - Acceptable Use of the District's Electronic Networks
7.20 - Guidelines for Student Distribution of Non-School Publications
7.25 - Guidelines for School-Sponsored Publications, Productions, and Websites [HS]
7.27 - Access to Non-School Sponsored Publications
7.40 - Parent Notice: Educational Technology Vendors Student Online Personal Protection Act
7.50 - Use of Artificial Intelligence
CHAPTER 8 Search and Seizure
8.10 - Search and Seizure
CHAPTER 9: Athletics and Extracurricular Activities
9.10 - Extracurricular and Athletic Activities Code of Conduct
9.20 - Attendance at School-Sponsored Dances
9.30 - Student-Athlete Concussions and Head Injuries
CHAPTER 10: Special Education
10.10 - Education of Children with Disabilities
10 20 - Discipline of Students with Disabilities
10.30 - Exemption From PE Requirements
10.40 - Certificate of High School Completion [HS]
10.50 - Access to Classroom for Special Education Observation or Evaluation
10.60 - Related Service Logs
10.70 - PUNS Database Information
CHAPTER 11: Student Records and Privacy
11.10 - Student Privacy Protections
11.20 - Student Records
11.30 - Student Biometric Information
11.40 - Military Recruiters and Institutions of Higher Learning [HS]
CHAPTER 12: Parental Right Notifications
12.10 - Teacher Qualifications
12.20 - Standardized Testing
12.30 - Homeless Child's Right to Education
12.40 - Sex Education Instruction
12.60 - English Learners
12.70 - School Visitation Rights
12.80 - Pesticide Application Notice
12.90 - Mandated Reporter
12.100 - Unsafe School Choice Option
12.105 - Student Privacy
12.110 - Sex Offender Notification Law
12.130 - Parent Notices Required by the Every Student Succeeds Act
12.140 - Uniform Grievance Procedure
APPENDIX - Elementary School Items
General Building Conduct and Procedures
Attendance, Grading, and Promotion
Curriculum, Instruction, and Programming
APPENDIX - Middle School Items
General Building Conduct and Procedures
Attendance, Grading, and Promotion
Curriculum, Instruction, and Programming
APPENDIX - High School Items
General Building Conduct and Procedures
Attendance, Grading, and Promotion
Curriculum, Instruction, and Programming
Social Media
Tip Line
Virtual Backpack
Who to Contact
Health & Wellness
Action Plans
Asthma Action Plan
Chronic Health Conditions
Communicable Diseases
Community Health Resources
Concussions Head Injuries
Dental & Vision Resources
Food Allergy Action Plan
Health Requirements & Forms
IWAS Immunization Compliance
Medication Policy
Mental Health and Behavioral Resources
Referral GPS
Seizure Action Plans
Round Lake Area Health & Wellness Center
Sick Day Policy
Student Accident Resources
Parent Involvement
Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee
Language Translation Support
Parent Advisory Committee PAC
Parent Booster Groups
Volunteer Opportunities
Program Resources
Atlas Curriculum Warehouse
(opens in new window/tab)
Community Resources
District Library
Collection Development Procedure
(opens in new window/tab)
(opens in new window/tab)
Ebooks & Audiobooks
(opens in new window/tab)
(opens in new window/tab)
High School Contests & Programs
(opens in new window/tab)
Online Resources
(opens in new window/tab)
Staff Equity Library
(opens in new window/tab)
Student Tech Help
(opens in new window/tab)
Birth to 5 Programs
ESSER Safe Return Plan
(opens in new window/tab)
Parent Partnership Library
SOPPA - Student Online Privacy Protection Act
Twilight Tutoring
Registration, Fees & Transportation
Education Support Center
Student Fees
Waivers & Payment Options
Home Language Surveys
New Families
Round Lake Education Foundation
(opens in new window/tab)
School Board
Board Policies
(opens in new window/tab)
Meeting Packets - BoardDocs September 2021 Forward
(opens in new window/tab)
Meeting Packets Boardbook - August 2021 & Prior
(opens in new window/tab)
Meeting Schedule
Public Comment
Training Requirements
School Safety
School Safety Drills
School Tip Lines
Staff Resources
Strategic Plan
Teaching and Learning
Meeting the Unique Needs of Learners
Social Emotional Development
Parent, Community and School Partnerships
Securing the Future
About Us
Contact Us
Key Facts
School Report Cards
Assessment Calendar
Atlas Curriculum Warehouse
Core Subjects
Early Childhood Learning
(opens in new window/tab)
Early Entrance & Accelerated Placement
Mastery Learning
Special Education
Standards Based Grading
Student Services
Business Office
Human Resources
Multilingual Education Department
Professional Learning
Superintendent's Office
District Information
Collective Bargaining Agreement
District News
Emergency Closings
District Library
Lunch Menus
Non-Discrimination Policy
Partner Schools
School Calendar
School Hours
School Supplies
Student Handbook
Social Media
Tip Line
Virtual Backpack
Who to Contact
Health & Wellness
Action Plans
Chronic Health Conditions
Communicable Diseases
Community Health Resources
Concussions Head Injuries
Dental & Vision Resources
Food Allergy Action Plan
Health Requirements & Forms
IWAS Immunization Compliance
Medication Policy
Mental Health and Behavioral Resources
Referral GPS
Seizure Action Plans
Round Lake Area Health & Wellness Center
Sick Day Policy
Student Accident Resources
Parent Involvement
Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee
Language Translation Support
Parent Advisory Committee PAC
Parent Booster Groups
Volunteer Opportunities
Program Resources
Atlas Curriculum Warehouse
(opens in new window/tab)
Community Resources
District Library
Birth to 5 Programs
ESSER Safe Return Plan
(opens in new window/tab)
Parent Partnership Library
Twilight Tutoring
Registration, Fees & Transportation
Education Support Center
Round Lake Education Foundation
(opens in new window/tab)
School Board
Board Policies
(opens in new window/tab)
Meeting Packets - BoardDocs September 2021 Forward
(opens in new window/tab)
Meeting Packets Boardbook - August 2021 & Prior
(opens in new window/tab)
Meeting Schedule
Public Comment
Training Requirements
School Safety
School Safety Drills
School Tip Lines
Staff Resources
Strategic Plan
Teaching and Learning
Meeting the Unique Needs of Learners
Social Emotional Development
Parent, Community and School Partnerships
Securing the Future
Lunch Menus
(opens in new window/tab)
(opens in new window/tab)
(opens in new window/tab)
(opens in new window/tab)
District Home
Preschool at Early Education Center
Elementary Schools
Beach Elementary School
Indian Hill Elementary School
Raymond Ellis Elementary School
Village Elementary School
WJ Murphy Elementary School
Middle Schools
John T. Magee Middle School
Round Lake Middle School
Round Lake High School
Round Lake Transition Center
Logo Image
Lunch Menus
Open Search
In This Section
Collective Bargaining Agreement
District News
The Golden Apple
Emergency Closings
District Library
Collection Development Procedure
College and Career Center
Ebooks & Audiobooks
High School Contests & Programs
High School Counseling Department
High School Testing Center
High School Tutoring Center
Test Prep & Other Online Resources
Staff Equity Library
Student Tech Help
Lunch Menus
Non-Discrimination Policy
Partner Schools
School Calendar
School Hours
School Supplies
Social Media
Student Handbook
CHAPTER 1: Introductory Information and General Notices
1.00 - School Operations During a Pandemic or Other Health Emergency
1.20 - Student Handbook Acknowledgement
1.30 - General Information
1.40 - Visitors
1.50 - Equal Educational Opportunities and Sex Equity
1.60 - Animals on School Property
1.70 - School Volunteers
1.80 - Invitations and Gifts [PK-8]
1.85 - Treats and Snacks [PK-8]
1.90 - Emergency School Closings
1.100 - Video and Audio Monitoring System
1.110 - Accommodating Individuals with Disabilities
1.120 - Students with Food Allergies
1.130 - Care of Students with Diabetes
1.140 - Suicide and Depression Awareness and Prevention
1.150 - Accommodating Breastfeeding Students
1.170 - Student Appearance
1.180 - Awareness and Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse, Grooming Behaviors, and Boundary Violations
1.185 - Faith's Law Notifications
1.190 - Prevention of Anaphylaxis
1.200 - Sexual Abuse Response and Prevention Resource Guide
CHAPTER 2: Attendance, Promotion, and Graduation
2.10 - Attendance
2.20 - Student Absences
2.30 - Release Time for Religious Instruction and Observation
2.40 - Make-Up Work
2.50 - Truancy
2.60 - Grading and Promotion
2.70 - Homework
2.80 - Exemption from PE Requirements
2.90 - Credit for Proficiency, Non-District Experiences, Course Substitutions, and AP
2.100 - Home and Hospital Instruction
2.110 - Early Graduation [HS]
2.120 - Graduation Requirements [HS]
2.130 Complaints About Curriculum, Instructional Materials, and Programs
CHAPTER 3: Student Fees and Meal Costs
3.10 - Fees, Fines, and Charges - Waiver of Student Fees
3.20 - School Lunch Program
CHAPTER 4: Transportation and Parking
4.10 - Bus Transportation
4.15 - Bus Conduct
4.20 - Parking [Visitor and Student]
4.21 - Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up
CHAPTER 5: Health and Safety
5.10 - Immunization, Health, Eye, and Dental Examinations
5.15 - Screenings
5.20 - Student Medication
5.30 - Guidance and Counseling
5.40 - Safety Drill Procedures
5.50 - Communicable Disease
5.60 - Head Lice
5.70 - Emergency Treatment
5.80 - Chronic Health Conditions
5.90 - Concussions
CHAPTER 6: Discipline and Conduct
6.10 - General Building Conduct
6.20 - School Dress Code
6.30 - Student Behavior
6.35 - Suspension Procedures
6.37 - Expulsion Procedures
6.40 - Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment
6.42 - Discrimination and Harassment on the Basis of Race, Color, and National Origin Prohibited
6.45 Sexual Harassment and Teen Dating Violence Prohibited
6.50 - Cafeteria Rules
6.60 - Field Trips
6.70 - Access to Student Social Networking, Passwords, and Websites
6.80 - Student Use of Electronic Devices (Including Cell Phones)
CHAPTER 7: Internet, Technology, and Publications
7.10 - Acceptable Use of the District's Electronic Networks
7.20 - Guidelines for Student Distribution of Non-School Publications
7.25 - Guidelines for School-Sponsored Publications, Productions, and Websites [HS]
7.27 - Access to Non-School Sponsored Publications
7.40 - Parent Notice: Educational Technology Vendors Student Online Personal Protection Act
7.50 - Use of Artificial Intelligence
CHAPTER 8 Search and Seizure
8.10 - Search and Seizure
CHAPTER 9: Athletics and Extracurricular Activities
9.10 - Extracurricular and Athletic Activities Code of Conduct
9.20 - Attendance at School-Sponsored Dances
9.30 - Student-Athlete Concussions and Head Injuries
CHAPTER 10: Special Education
10.10 - Education of Children with Disabilities
10 20 - Discipline of Students with Disabilities
10.30 - Exemption From PE Requirements
10.40 - Certificate of High School Completion [HS]
10.50 - Access to Classroom for Special Education Observation or Evaluation
10.60 - Related Service Logs
10.70 - PUNS Database Information
CHAPTER 11: Student Records and Privacy
11.10 - Student Privacy Protections
11.20 - Student Records
11.30 - Student Biometric Information
11.40 - Military Recruiters and Institutions of Higher Learning [HS]
CHAPTER 12: Parental Right Notifications
12.10 - Teacher Qualifications
12.20 - Standardized Testing
12.30 - Homeless Child's Right to Education
12.40 - Sex Education Instruction
12.60 - English Learners
12.70 - School Visitation Rights
12.80 - Pesticide Application Notice
12.90 - Mandated Reporter
12.100 - Unsafe School Choice Option
12.105 - Student Privacy
12.110 - Sex Offender Notification Law
12.130 - Parent Notices Required by the Every Student Succeeds Act
12.140 - Uniform Grievance Procedure
APPENDIX - Elementary School Items
General Building Conduct and Procedures
Attendance, Grading, and Promotion
Curriculum, Instruction, and Programming
APPENDIX - Middle School Items
General Building Conduct and Procedures
Attendance, Grading, and Promotion
Curriculum, Instruction, and Programming
APPENDIX - High School Items
General Building Conduct and Procedures
Attendance, Grading, and Promotion
Curriculum, Instruction, and Programming
Tip Line
Virtual Backpack
Who to Contact
District Information
Student Handbook
Attendance, Grading, and Promotion
In This Section
Collective Bargaining Agreement
District News
The Golden Apple
Emergency Closings
District Library
Collection Development Procedure
College and Career Center
Ebooks & Audiobooks
High School Contests & Programs
High School Counseling Department
High School Testing Center
High School Tutoring Center
Test Prep & Other Online Resources
Staff Equity Library
Student Tech Help
Lunch Menus
Non-Discrimination Policy
Partner Schools
School Calendar
School Hours
School Supplies
Social Media
Student Handbook
CHAPTER 1: Introductory Information and General Notices
1.00 - School Operations During a Pandemic or Other Health Emergency
1.20 - Student Handbook Acknowledgement
1.30 - General Information
1.40 - Visitors
1.50 - Equal Educational Opportunities and Sex Equity
1.60 - Animals on School Property
1.70 - School Volunteers
1.80 - Invitations and Gifts [PK-8]
1.85 - Treats and Snacks [PK-8]
1.90 - Emergency School Closings
1.100 - Video and Audio Monitoring System
1.110 - Accommodating Individuals with Disabilities
1.120 - Students with Food Allergies
1.130 - Care of Students with Diabetes
1.140 - Suicide and Depression Awareness and Prevention
1.150 - Accommodating Breastfeeding Students
1.170 - Student Appearance
1.180 - Awareness and Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse, Grooming Behaviors, and Boundary Violations
1.185 - Faith's Law Notifications
1.190 - Prevention of Anaphylaxis
1.200 - Sexual Abuse Response and Prevention Resource Guide
CHAPTER 2: Attendance, Promotion, and Graduation
2.10 - Attendance
2.20 - Student Absences
2.30 - Release Time for Religious Instruction and Observation
2.40 - Make-Up Work
2.50 - Truancy
2.60 - Grading and Promotion
2.70 - Homework
2.80 - Exemption from PE Requirements
2.90 - Credit for Proficiency, Non-District Experiences, Course Substitutions, and AP
2.100 - Home and Hospital Instruction
2.110 - Early Graduation [HS]
2.120 - Graduation Requirements [HS]
2.130 Complaints About Curriculum, Instructional Materials, and Programs
CHAPTER 3: Student Fees and Meal Costs
3.10 - Fees, Fines, and Charges - Waiver of Student Fees
3.20 - School Lunch Program
CHAPTER 4: Transportation and Parking
4.10 - Bus Transportation
4.15 - Bus Conduct
4.20 - Parking [Visitor and Student]
4.21 - Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up
CHAPTER 5: Health and Safety
5.10 - Immunization, Health, Eye, and Dental Examinations
5.15 - Screenings
5.20 - Student Medication
5.30 - Guidance and Counseling
5.40 - Safety Drill Procedures
5.50 - Communicable Disease
5.60 - Head Lice
5.70 - Emergency Treatment
5.80 - Chronic Health Conditions
5.90 - Concussions
CHAPTER 6: Discipline and Conduct
6.10 - General Building Conduct
6.20 - School Dress Code
6.30 - Student Behavior
6.35 - Suspension Procedures
6.37 - Expulsion Procedures
6.40 - Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment
6.42 - Discrimination and Harassment on the Basis of Race, Color, and National Origin Prohibited
6.45 Sexual Harassment and Teen Dating Violence Prohibited
6.50 - Cafeteria Rules
6.60 - Field Trips
6.70 - Access to Student Social Networking, Passwords, and Websites
6.80 - Student Use of Electronic Devices (Including Cell Phones)
CHAPTER 7: Internet, Technology, and Publications
7.10 - Acceptable Use of the District's Electronic Networks
7.20 - Guidelines for Student Distribution of Non-School Publications
7.25 - Guidelines for School-Sponsored Publications, Productions, and Websites [HS]
7.27 - Access to Non-School Sponsored Publications
7.40 - Parent Notice: Educational Technology Vendors Student Online Personal Protection Act
7.50 - Use of Artificial Intelligence
CHAPTER 8 Search and Seizure
8.10 - Search and Seizure
CHAPTER 9: Athletics and Extracurricular Activities
9.10 - Extracurricular and Athletic Activities Code of Conduct
9.20 - Attendance at School-Sponsored Dances
9.30 - Student-Athlete Concussions and Head Injuries
CHAPTER 10: Special Education
10.10 - Education of Children with Disabilities
10 20 - Discipline of Students with Disabilities
10.30 - Exemption From PE Requirements
10.40 - Certificate of High School Completion [HS]
10.50 - Access to Classroom for Special Education Observation or Evaluation
10.60 - Related Service Logs
10.70 - PUNS Database Information
CHAPTER 11: Student Records and Privacy
11.10 - Student Privacy Protections
11.20 - Student Records
11.30 - Student Biometric Information
11.40 - Military Recruiters and Institutions of Higher Learning [HS]
CHAPTER 12: Parental Right Notifications
12.10 - Teacher Qualifications
12.20 - Standardized Testing
12.30 - Homeless Child's Right to Education
12.40 - Sex Education Instruction
12.60 - English Learners
12.70 - School Visitation Rights
12.80 - Pesticide Application Notice
12.90 - Mandated Reporter
12.100 - Unsafe School Choice Option
12.105 - Student Privacy
12.110 - Sex Offender Notification Law
12.130 - Parent Notices Required by the Every Student Succeeds Act
12.140 - Uniform Grievance Procedure
APPENDIX - Elementary School Items
General Building Conduct and Procedures
Attendance, Grading, and Promotion
Curriculum, Instruction, and Programming
APPENDIX - Middle School Items
General Building Conduct and Procedures
Attendance, Grading, and Promotion
Curriculum, Instruction, and Programming
APPENDIX - High School Items
General Building Conduct and Procedures
Attendance, Grading, and Promotion
Curriculum, Instruction, and Programming
Tip Line
Virtual Backpack
Who to Contact
Attendance, Grading, and Promotion