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5.90 - Concussions


IDPH [Illinois Department of Public Health] - Heads Up Concussion Resources

CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] - HEADS UP - SAFE BRAIN. STRONGER FUTURE.

Visit the IHSA [Illinois High School Association] website for more information on concussion management and to access the consent form.  

Round Lake School District 116 complies with the Illinois Concussion Safety Act and has Return to Learn and Return to Play protocols in place for students PreKindergarten through grade 12. These protocols are implemented once the parent/guardian provides the school nurse or certified athletic trainer, with a written diagnosis of concussion made by a physician licensed to practice medicine in all of its branches in the State of Illinois or a certified athletic trainer. The physician outlines a plan of care that typically begins with an initial period of rest at home for 24-48 hours followed by returning to school, non-contact physical activities and social activities that do not exacerbate concussion symptoms significantly. School staff partners with parents, to monitor progress toward returning to school and returning to play full time. Parents sign and return the Post-concussion Consent form after all restrictions have been lifted.

For more information on concussions, visit the HEALTH SERVICES homepage.

Round Lake Area Schools Community Unit District 116 Policy, 7:305, Student Athlete Concussions and Head Injuries