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12.30 - Homeless Child's Right to Education


Round Lake School Distict 116 Homeless Family Resource and Assistance List

When a child loses permanent housing and becomes a homeless person as defined by law, or when a homeless child changes his or her temporary living arrangements, the parent or guardian of the homeless child has the option of either:

1. continuing the child's education in the school of origin for as long as the child remains homeless or, if the child becomes permanently housed, until the end of the academic year during which the housing is acquired;


2. enrolling the child in any school that non-homeless students who live in the attendance area in which the child or youth is actually living are eligible to attend. 

The enrollment of homeless children is ongoing and is not delayed due to scheduling issues, a lack of residency documentation, the lack of legal guardian(s), or student records. The District will not charge homeless students tuition or refuse enrollment.

The RLAS116 Early Education Center Homeless Plan can be found by visiting the Early Education Center website (here).

Round Lake Area Schools Community Unit School District 116 Policy 6:140, Education of Homeless Children