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12.130 - Parent Notices Required by the Every Student Succeeds Act

Teacher Qualifications

A parent/guardian may request, and the District will provide in a timely manner, the professional qualifications of your student’s classroom teachers, including, at a minimum, whether:

  • The teacher has met the State qualifications and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction.
  • The teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status.
  • The teacher is teaching in the field of discipline of the certification of the teacher.
  • Paraprofessionals provide services to the student and, if so, their qualifications.

For more information contact:
Kristie Belesiotis, Director of Human Resources

Testing Transparency

The State and District require students to take certain standardized tests.  For additional information, see handbook chapter 12, procedure 12:20.

A parent/guardian may request, and the District will provide in a timely manner, information regarding student participation in any assessments mandated by law or District policy, which shall include information on any applicable right you may have to opt your student out of such assessment.

For more information contact:
Eileen Erisman, Data Specialist

Annual Report Card

Each year, the District is required to disseminate an annual report card that includes information on the District as a whole and each school served by the District, with aggregate and disaggregated information for each required subgroup of students including: student achievement on academic assessments (designated by category), graduation rates, district performance, teacher qualifications, and certain other information required by federal law. 

When available, this information will be placed on the District’s website at

Parent & Family Engagement Compact 

Round Lake School District is committed to the idea that students learn best when everyone works together to encourage learning. The Title I Compact agreement is a promise for students, families and staff to work together as a team in support of student achievement.

For more information contact:
Maria Colunga, Parent Liason
Eileen Erisman, Data Specialist

Unsafe School Choice Option

The unsafe school choice option allows students to transfer to another District school or to a public charter school within the District under certain circumstances. For further information, see handbook chapter 12, procedure 12:100. 

For more information contact:
Eric Apgar, Executive Director of Student Services 

Student Privacy

Students have certain privacy protections under federal law. For further information, see handbook chapter 12, procedure 12.105.

For more information contact:
Eric Apgar, Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services 

English Learners

The school offers opportunities for resident English Learners to achieve at high levels in academic subjects and to meet the same challenging State standards that all children are expected to meet.  For further information, see handbook chapter 12, procedure 12:60.

For more information contact:
Melanie Knapp, Director of Language Acquisition
Nadia Moreno, English Language Llearners Coordinator [Pre K-12]

Homeless Students

For information on supports and services available to homeless students, see handbook chapter 12, procedure 12:30.

For more information contact:
Eric Apgar, Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services 

In addition to the contacts listed above, building principals are available to provide information and answer questions.

Round Lake Area Schools Community Unit District 116 Policy, 6:170, Title I Programs
PRESS 6:170-AP2, Notice to Parents Required by ESSA, McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, and Protection of Pupil Rights Act