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1.130 - Care of Students with Diabetes


Illinois General Assembly [Care of Students with Diabetes Act]

Visit the Health Services homepage for additional information and access to the Diabetes Medical Management Plan form.

Round Lake Area Schools District 116 complies with the Care of Students with Diabetes Act (P.A. 96-1485) which establishes a process for ensuring that students diagnosed with diabetes receive care in school. District staff work collaboratively with students, their parents/guardians and staff members to ensure that students with diabetes are offered reasonable accommodations and/or services.

If your child has diabetes and requires assistance with managing this condition while at school and school functions, a Diabetes Care Plan must be submitted to the building principal. Parents/guardians are responsible for and must:

  • Inform the school in a timely manner of any change which needs to be made to the Diabetes Care Plan on file with the school for their child.
  • Inform the school in a timely manner of any changes to their emergency contact numbers or contact numbers of health care providers.
  • Sign the Diabetes Care Plan.
  • Grant consent for and authorize designated School District representatives to communicate directly with the health care provider whose instructions are included in the Diabetes Care Plan.

For further information, please contact the building principal.