Emergency Closing Communications & Guidelines
Emergency Closure Communications
In the event that the District and/or schools need to close or institute a 2-hour late start, most often due to hazardous weather conditions, details about the closures will be communicated in the following manner.
- District website
- District and school social media accounts
- Text
- www.emergencyclosingcenter.com
- Local news and radio stations
Please note that parents and staff members should ensure their contact information is up to date at all times.
New E-Learning Plan for Emergency Days
Effective immediately, in the event we need to issue an emergency school closing at one or more of our schools, we will shift from a primarily asynchronous (self-directed) instructional day to a hybrid of both synchronous (live) and asynchronous (self-directed) instruction. This new model will provide students with increased access to a highly qualified teacher and ensure that the learning activities are aligned to the current work of the class.
During an emergency closing, students will access details about the instructional day via their Canvas portal. Important information regarding the day’s schedule, learning activities, and other announcements will be posted in this location. It is important that students bring their District-issued iPad home each day and charge it each evening.
Parents and students should refer to the newly developed E-Learning Plan for Emergency Closure Days | Parent/Student Guide for additional details regarding the schedule, attendance requirements, and other important expectations. Please see your child’s specific grade level expectations.
- E-Learning Plan for Emergency Closure Days | Parent/Student Guide - English
- E-Learning Plan for Emergency Closure Days | Parent/Student Guide - Spanish
Closure/Late Start Guidelines
Heavy Snow
If we have heavy snow that creates conditions where the safety of students and staff is at risk, travel is prohibitive, or buildings cannot be prepared for a regular school day, school will be closed. Parents will be notified by all communication methods previously identified.
Unlike cold, it is more challenging to determine if the conditions will result in a closure or late start due to snow. The decision is based on the rate of snowfall and the ability to clear snow from the roads and school properties. More often than not parents should expect notification of a school closure due to snow in the morning, by 6:00am.
In times of snow covered sidewalks and/or roadways, bus drivers may stop along their routes to pick up walking students as long as this does not compromise the safety of students already on the bus. (i.e. full bus with no available seats)
Severe Cold
Windchill Warning – Schools Will Be Closed
Schools will be closed under the condition of a Windchill Warning. A Windchill Warning indicates that life-threatening conditions and a risk to safety exist. Measures should be taken to safeguard life and property immediately.
A Windchill Warning is typically issued when
- the windchill will be -30 degrees Fahrenheit or colder and the winds are greater than or equal to 10 mph OR
- the actual temperature is -15° F
WindChill Advisory – Schools Will Be Open
A Windchill Advisory is issued when conditions do not meet the Windchill Warning criteria but still cause significant inconvenience. The weather during a Windchill Advisory is not life threatening but presents conditions that may result in inconvenience or pose moderate risk to safety.
A Windchill Advisory is typically issued when
- the wind chill is -20 degrees Fahrenheit or colder AND
- the winds are greater to OR equal to 10 mph
There may be times when the day begins with a Windchill Warning and temperatures rise early in the day, leading to a Windchill Advisory. In these cases, a late-start may be considered.
During a Windchill Advisory, bus drivers may stop along their routes to pick up walking students as long as this does not compromise the safety of students already on the bus. (i.e. full bus with no available seats)