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Business Office

Welcome to Business Services

The Business Office is responsible for all accounting and reporting, auditing, budget and financial planning, cash and debt management, and general finance management across the District. If you have questions related to information on this page, please contact T. Ambs-Soule,, Chief Financial Officer at  or 224-842-2032.

Prevailing Wage Law: 

The Illinois Prevailing Wage Act, 820 ILCS 130/.01 et seq. ("the Act"), requires contractors and subcontractors to pay laborers, workers and mechanics performing services on public works projects no less than the current "prevailing rate of wages" (hourly cash wages plus amount for fringe benefits) in the county where the work is performed. The Department publishes the prevailing wage rates on its website at: The Department revises the prevailing wage rates and the contractor/subcontractor has an obligation to check the Department's web site for revisions to prevailing wage rates. For information regarding current prevailing wage rates, please refer to the Illinois Department of Laborer's website. All contractors and sub-contractors rendering services under this contract must comply with all requirements of the Act, including but not limited to, all wage, notice and record keeping duties.

Property Tax Relief Grant

RLAS-116 is pleased to announce the award of the Property Tax Relief Grant in January 2020 - this is excellent news for homeowners living within RLAS-116 boundaries!

This grant was awarded over a two-year period (2019-2020 & 2020-2021), totaling $6.7 million, or $3.3 million each year.

What does this mean for RLAS-116 tax payers? Property tax payers living within the RLAS-116 boundaries will receive a total credit of approximately $406 based on an average home value of $100,000. This tax credit does not include any other credits that the homeowner may be eligible for and receive on their tax bill.

Due to the tax bill structure, this abatement is not itemized on the homeowner’s tax bill. However, homeowners may go to the Lake County Tax Assessor website: and search “Bond Abatements” to see the corresponding bond abatements. RLAS-116 bond abatements begin on page 138.

Any questions about this exciting news for RLAS-116 homeowners may be directed to T. Ambs-Soule, Chief Financial Officer,

Homeowners don’t need to do anything to receive this credit. It is automatically applied.

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Mrs. T. Ambs-Soule
Chief Financial Officer



Round Lake Area Schools has earned the Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting Award from the Association of School Business Officials (ASBO) International for the fiscal year ended 2021!  This is the 9th year that our District has been recognized for this award.  This award represents a significant achievement and reflects the District's commitment to transparency and high-quality financial reporting.

Thank you to the Business Office team and our Board of Education members for your support in this area.