Category 5 = Exceeds
Student has demonstrated an unexpected understanding of required concepts and mastery of essential skills. Student consistently performs above and beyond course expectations.
Category 4 = Advanced
Student has demonstrated both an excellent understanding of required concepts and mastery of essential skills. Student consistently displays a superior performance on course expectations.
Category 3 = Proficient
Student has demonstrated both a good understanding of required concepts and mastery of essential skills. Student consistently meets course expectations.
Category 2 = Basic Understanding
Student has demonstrated a basic understanding of required concepts and is approaching or has demonstrated a basic mastery of essential skills. Student generally meets course expectations.
Category 1 = Beginning
Student infrequently demonstrates a basic understanding of course concepts and lacks mastery of essential skills. Student generally does not meet minimum course expectations.
Category 0 = Not Evident
Student demonstrates little to no evidence of a basic understanding of course concepts and little to no mastery of essential skills and/or evaluation of student understanding of concepts and mastery of skills is not possible due to lack of evidence. Student regularly does not meet minimum course expectations.