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The teaching and learning of mathematics is a complex task that includes helping students develop mathematical proficiency and guide them in what it means to "do mathematics". The standards for mathematical practices describe what it means to do mathematics and therefore permeate mathematics instruction across grade levels k-12 and content areas.

Our Philosophy

All students have meaningful experiences in which they develop different skills, dispositions, and understanding of mathematics.  Each grade level concentrates on a clear set of math skills and concepts that allow one to understand and critique their world.

Our Vision

By developing critical thinkers, Round Lake Area Schools K - 12 Mathematics department empowers students to expand their professional opportunities, and understand and critique their world; while experiencing the wonder, joy, and beauty of mathematics. 

Math Readiness Pathway

Click here to see all the K-12 math course offerings here at Round Lake Area Schools District 116.

Mathematics is a passion for our team.  We are dedicated to researching different techniques and learning strategies to ensure our students find ways to understand and apply mathematics.

Want to learn more?  Check out our Mathematical Proficiency page to dive into the curriculum that Round Lake strives for.

Our Team

Katie Wishau

Katie Wishau
Math Coordinator
Contact Katie

Eileen Erisman

Eileen Erisman
Data Specialist
Contact Eileen