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Core Subjects

Teaching & Learning

How do we “ensure all students learn”?

By creating standards-based curricula with common assessments and using correctives and enrichments to push students further in their achievement.

How do we “create a culture of collaboration”?

By establishing a specific time and set of expectations for teachers to work together to discuss student learning where everyone brings something to the team. We have DAILY collaboration!

How do we “focus on results”?

By implementing common assessments and creating a system for data analysis which encourages teachers to work together to find solutions to increase student achievement for all.

What we practice.

  • Common Curriculum
    • Teachers have come together to agree on the “learn what” based on standards and grade-level expectations
  • Common Pacing 
    • Implementing the common curriculum collaboratively
  • Common Assessment 
    • Diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments designed to measure the common curriculum and monitor student learning